I’ve been travelling almost all my life, or at least I never settled before. When I started travelling, I still needed to write e-mails to my friends to update them on my whereabouts and when I logged into the internet the rest of the household couldn’t use the phone at the same time. I remember going to internet cafés to get download pictures from my camera to CD, and almost loosing all of them because of a virus one of the PCs left on my disk.
I never thought about blogging and only started because a lot of people asking me for updates when I went on my last trip to follow the Silk Road. It turned out to be a shorter trip than expected, but I kept the blog as part of my diary and step by step, I want to fill it with the trips to be and the ones I already finished.
I was into photography for a while and there are still some photowalks left of the time, and I try to prover hopefully useful information to the ones who are stumbling upon my blog articles. Or at least a laugh every ones in a while, or some inspiration as travelling becomes so mainstream these days.