Persepolis from above

Iran, I miss you….

Oh my beautiful, crazy, diverse, colourful, kind, hospitable, ambigue, weird, ambivalent, breathtaking, undescribable, amazing Iran so rich in culture and full of contrasts. You kind of ruined my faible for scarfs, but you gave me back so much more. Thank you for letting me dive into your culture.

Naqsh-e Jahan Square from above
Bird view on Naqsh-e Jahan Square.
copper street in Esfahan
Everything is made of copper in Esfahan.
Esfahan's famous copper street.
Esfahan’s famous copper street.
Isfahan at night
Hiking mountains around Esfahan at night is one of my best memories.
Yazd downtown
Downtown in Yazd
girl looking out of old door
Me exploring Yazd’s city center
Tourists in Iran
Apparently, I was more of an attraction than the camel…
Hitch Hiking the dirt roads
Hitch hiking in Iran
Hitch Hiking in Iran
When there is no space for you inside the car, you go on the rooftop.
Red beach at Hormoz Island
Deep red sea in Hormoz Island.
Chaharshanbe Suri
My yellow to you, your red to me… or whatnot.
Dancing in Iran.
Not sure why, but this seems to be a thing for Iranian men.
Mount Damavand from afar
Most beautiful mountain I have seen so far: Mount Damavand.
Traditional clothes
Couldn’t hide from being put into traditional clothes in Southern Iran.
Photographer girl
Me and my camera.
Hiking around Mount Damavand
Hiking around the stunning scenery at Mount Damavand.
Old woman smoking shisha
This old lady enjoying her shisha while selling fish.
You can also smoke shisha on expensive carpets while playing cards.
Garlic in Iran
Iran is also the country where you eat garlic raw, and it’s freakin’ tasty.
Always be prepared.
Tabaco in Iran
Tabaco, anybody?
Mariage room in Southern Iran
You can rent the room and the bed for your first night as a married couple. Sounds a bit weird to me, but who am I to judge…
Holy shrine in Iran
One of the many holy shrines in Iran.
Me completely failing in wearing a shador.
Carpenter in Kashmar
A carpenter in Kashmar showing one of his designs
Carpenter at work
Woman at work.
Street art in Iran
Eco awareness found its way to Iran: The mural is made out of old plastic lids to demonstrate against plastic pollution.
Masuleh in Iran
Walking on rooftops in Masuleh.
Rice fields in Iran.
In one of the countries with the best rice ever it is just natural to cultivate it in your backyard.
Carpet paintings in Iran
Iranians and their carpet paintings – just beautiful.
Iranian country roads
In Iran, you give way to the shepherds.
Pretty sheeps
“Because sheeps want to be pretty, too.” – Iranian shepherds when being asked about their sheep’s haircut.
Colourful mountains in Iran
Colourful mountains on fire.
Carpet paintings in Tabriz
I do not know how many carpet paintings I saw in Iran.
Iranian handcraftswoman
Handcraftswoman in Tabriz, Iran.

About the author

Discovering new things every day.

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